General Health & Wellbeing


Mental health

Feeling exhausted, empty, unable to deal with the demands of life? Having more bad days than good days?

Suffering from stress, burnout, poor sleep, anxiety, or depression?

It can be hard to unravel the many factors in your life that can impact on how you are feeling. 

A consultation can allow you to better understand your mental health challenges and lay out the supports you need on your journey to mental wellbeing.

Bone Health

Osteoporosis or ‘thinning of the bones’ is a disease that many don’t become aware of until they suffer a fracture.

While osteoporosis mainly affects women over 65 years of age, it is never too early to start taking care of our bone health. In Ireland 7 out of every 10 hip fractures affect women and 1 in 5 women die within 12 months of hip fracture.

Hormonal factors play a large role in increasing the risk of osteoporosis in women but there is lots we can do to improve and monitor our bone health and prevent osteoporosis. Proactively managing your bone health is possible when you are supported with a personalised plan involving lifestyle measures like diet and exercise, vitamin supplementation and medication if required. 

Heart Health & Weight Management

Heart disease and stroke is common in women; women are more than 6 times more likely to die from heart disease than breast cancer- but 80% of premature heart disease can be prevented. This is where proactively managing your heart health and risk factors for heart attack and stroke becomes key to maintaining your quality of life and health. 

A review of your medical history including risk factors for heart disease, examination and basic blood tests can allow you to develop an individualized management plan involving lifestyle measures, heart healthy dietary choices and medications if needed. 

If you are concerned about your weight, feel that you cannot make progress with losing weight, or worry that it may be affecting your health, it is always a good time to come and explore your options. We now recognise that the old advice of “eat less, exercise more” is of little value in dealing with the complex nature of weight management. It requires a supportive individualized plan which can allow you to make healthy life choices that work for you.