Contraception & Sexual Health


Contraceptive Choices

Contraception is all about preventing pregnancy while avoiding unwanted hormone related side effects. There are many choices available today and with the right support it should be possible to find a suitable option for you. 

The ‘pill’ has been the tried and tested method used by women for years but there are now other choices known as long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARC). These have the benefit of not having to take a daily pill which improves reliability. 

The Mirena or Kyleena is a long-acting contraceptive sometimes known as the ‘coil’ or an intrauterine device (IUD). This is a plastic matchstick sized hormone releasing device that is inserted into the womb in a procedure that takes about ten minutes in the clinic. These are highly reliable choices that are effective for 5-10 years depending on the timing of insertion. There are also hormone free IUD options available. 

The Implanon or ‘bar in the arm’ as it is commonly known is a plastic matchstick sized hormone releasing device that is inserted under the skin of the inner upper arm. It provides highly reliable contraceptive cover for up to 3 years. This is inserted in the clinic in a procedure that takes about 5 minutes. It is an excellent option if you do not feel ready for an IUD but would like to improve the reliability of your contraceptive choice. 

There are other choices; the vaginal hormone releasing ring (Nuvaring), hormone releasing skin patches, a 3 monthly hormone injection (Depo). 

Everyone’s situation is unique which is why it is important to discuss the variety of options available to find the right contraceptive choice for you. 

Sexual Health

Sexual health is an important part of your overall health and wellbeing at any age. Whether you may be experiencing sexual difficulties or have concerns about sexually transmitted infections; these are issues that can be addressed to restore your physical and emotional sexual health. 

Cervical Screening

A cervical smear test is a quick test provided free of charge under the Cervical Screening Programme that remains an important part of proactively managing your health and reducing the risk of cervical cancer.   Smear tests can also be arranged through a private laboratory if you wish.